Do NFTs have any actual utility?
NFTs aren't just flashing apes and silly gifs (although those do get the most attention). Along with the digital potential, turning real-world tangible assets into NFTs makes buying, selling, and trading them more efficient while reducing the probability of fraud. NFTs are already being used in conservation efforts, in place of concert tickets, real estate etc.
Are NFTs dead?
For good reason NFTs have gotten a bad rap, like any new tech trend they were jumped on and abused at their early stages. We have all heard the stories of million dollar NFTs that appear meaningless on the surface. I don't think they are dead as much as they are morphing in to a new technology as we find utility for this new tech. Like everything in crypto educating yourself before jumping on a for or against bandwagon is important if you want to be a part of forward momentum. Send me a message if you want to continue the discussion!